I'm sitting in front of a computer writing out words to create my thoughts on a digital page. Every word typed out to the best ability my mind can create, overall starting the beginning of this personal archive of mine. Currently I am an art student in central Texas seeking the knowledge to deem myself worthy of calling myself an artist. I sit in a room with all of my belongings that create this reality of material things that are symbols of my existence. "The Man Who Never Threw Anything Away" by Ilya Kabakov, which is such a fascinating read (only a six page quick read with so much insight, definitely take a look) truly had me creating parallel thoughts to the reading and my life simultaneously. The book has a passage that says "A completely different correlation arises in his consciousness; should everything, without exception, before his eyes in the form of an enormous paper sea, be considered to be valuable or to be garbage, and then should it all be saved or thrown away? -Kabakov." As I was reading this I looked around my room, probably just as you have, and began creating possibilities of life to live with the surrounding materials around me. This quick read has opened my mind to new understandings of creating the life we as people want to live for ourselves.